Geiger Counters ‹,,,,,VAI COMPRANDO UM ,,,,

Next-Generation Geiger Counters ‹ Portable Radiation Detectors & Handheld Radiation Monitors Geiger Counters for Radiation Detection handheld geiger counters Modernized Geiger counters for personal radiation detection Our portfolio of Thermo Scientific RadEye personal radiation detectors offers the functionality of traditional Geiger counters while delivering features not available in traditional Geiger counters. These lightweight instruments offer an improved range of detection of multiple types of ionizing radiation—alpha, beta, X-rays, and gamma—even in the same unit. They feature an easy-to-use, common interface and are compatible with a catalog of optional accessories for wireless reachback, rechargeable batteries, and extension poles to maintain good ALARA principles. Our Geiger counters for sale include models that can monitor dose rate, stay time, and peak values. Intrinsically safe options are available for users working in potentially explosive environments.