Women in Media Today Wednesday 10 March 2021 6:30pm to 7:30pm Hosted by the LSE Library

Events Women in Media Today Wednesday 10 March 2021 6:30pm to 7:30pm Hosted by the LSE Library ONLINE PUBLIC EVENT Speaker Samira Ahmed Samira Ahmed Chair Professor Shani Orgad Professor Shani Orgad On the centenary of the magazine Time and Tide - a magazine produced by women - Samira Ahmed reflects on the place of women in media today. Meet our speaker and chair Samira Ahmed (@SamiraAhmedUK) is an award-winning journalist and writer. She presents Front Row on Radio 4 and Newswatch on BBC1 and the Intelligence Squared podcast How I Found My Voice. Her 2020 BBC4 series Art of Persia was the first major documentary series made in Iran for 40 years. She was previously a presenter at Channel 4 News and a BBC News Correspondent. Shani Orgad is Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE. Professor Orgad gained a Bachelor's degree in Media and Communications with Sociology and Anthropology from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, following which she obtained both a Master's and PhD in Media and Communications at LSE. Her research interests include gender, inequality, feminism and the media. She is the author of Heading Home: Motherhood, Work, and the Failed Promise of Equality published in 2019. More about this event The British Library of Political and Economic Science (@LSELibrary) was founded in 1896, a year after the London School of Economics and Political Science. It has been based in the Lionel Robbins Building since 1978 and houses many world class collections, including The Women's Library. Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSETimeTideToday