Understanding international practices from the internal point of view

Authors Mervyn Frost, Silviya Lechner Publication date 2016/10 Journal Journal of international political theory Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 299-319 Publisher SAGE Publications Description The article is written in response to a recent flurry of studies on international practices. In investigating this theme, International Relations scholars have drawn on diverse traditions in sociology, philosophy and organisational theory such as Bourdieu’s theory of practice, Dewey’s and James’ pragmatism, communities of practice approach and actor-network theory. One preliminary question presupposed by these investigations however is, what standpoint (if any) enables us to make sense of international practices? Our central thesis is that the proper understanding of practices – including international ones – requires the internal point of view (practice internalism). To make our case, we develop an analytic distinction between two basic standpoints: practice externalism, represented by Adler and Pouliot’s approach to international practices, and practice internalism, represented by Wittgensteinian philosopher Peter … Total citations Cited by 22 201620172018201920202021 Scholar articles Understanding international practices from the internal point of view M Frost, S Lechner - Journal of international political theory, 2016 Cited by 22 Related articles All 3 versions