Consul General Zhou Limin Published an Article on The Australian Fiancial Review on Myths and Facts about China’s Current COVID-19 Situation

Consul General Zhou Limin Published an Article on The Australian Fiancial Review on Myths and Facts about China’s Current COVID-19 Situation (From Chinese Consulate General in Sydney) 2023-01-03 12:52 On 3 January, H.E. Mr. Zhou Limin, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney published an article on the Financial Review, a major Australian newspaper titled “Five big things the world has wrong on China and COVID-19”, elaborating on myths and facts about China’s current COVID-19 situation. The full text is as follows: The Chinese government recently refined its COVID-19 prevention and control measures. However, there are many misconceptions developing in Australia about what’s going on in China. Myth 1: China’s COVID-19 situation has been out of control? The omicron variant is for now the dominant strain around the world. On the basis of scientific assessment of the characteristics of the virus and the pandemic situation, as well as reference to the prevention practices of other countries, the Chinese government decided to gradually adjust its prevention measures in response to the people’s wishes and shifted the focus to preventing severe diseases with targeted measures. This is a decision made by the Chinese government after careful analysis and deliberation. The process is under control and the current situation has been expected. As China’s COVID-19 prevention measures are shifting gears, there will inevitably be a process of adaptation, like what other countries around the world have gone through when adjusting their own policies. China has full capability and confidence in the final victory over COVID-19. Recently, places such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have seen infections peak and normal life return. Other provinces and cities in China are also expected to return to normal in the short term. Myth 2: China hides COVID-19 case numbers? Some people have speculated that China is hiding case numbers. This is nothing but nonsense. After the adjustment of COVID-19 prevention measures, China stopped conducting nucleic acid testing for all residents, which makes it difficult to know accurately what the case number is, as is the case in many countries around the world. The US government stopped releasing COVID-19 case numbers in October 2022. There are two main criteria for determining death from COVID-19 globally. One is death directly caused by respiratory failure because of infection with COVID-19, the other is death within 28 days of infection. To put it simply, “deaths due to COVID-19” and “deaths with COVID-19″. China has adopted the first category of death criteria since 2020. In times of pandemic and rapid transmission, it is difficult to tell exactly what the case fatality rate is. However, China has started to collect information through questionnaires and surveys and will continue to disclose information on deaths and severe cases in accordance with the principle of truth, openness and transparency. Myth 3: China is not ready for adjustment of its COVID-19 prevention measures? China’s decision to adjust its COVID-19 prevention measures was made in a scientific and prudent manner based on comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of the virus, the pandemic situation, vaccination, medical resource preparation, and prevention and control experiences. The omicron variant has been less virulent and most cases of infection are mild. China has accumulated rich experiences in the past three years in COVID-19 prevention and control, which provide favorable conditions for its adjustment of the measures. China has more than 10 types of vaccines covering various technical routes and vaccination methods, and more than 3.4 billion doses of vaccines have been administered in total. More than 92 per cent of the total population is covered and more than 90 per cent is fully vaccinated. Among people aged above 60 and 80, more than 85 per cent and 65 per cent are fully vaccinated respectively. China has the largest production capacity of antipyretic drugs in the world and has taken multiple measures to increase production; its drug supply can fully meet the market demand. Chinese authorities have also been promoting international medical cooperation in line with market principles and have approved the import of COVID-19 treatment drugs produced by Pfizer and other international manufacturers. Myth 4: China’s vaccine is ineffective? Chinese vaccines have helped prevent severe illness and death for millions of people around the world. According to a study published by the University of Hong Kong, the effectiveness of an inactivated vaccine in preventing severe cases caused by omicron after vaccination with booster shots was almost the same as that of mRNA vaccine, reaching 97 per cent. A Lancet sub-journal also acknowledged that inactivated vaccines have similar efficacy to mRNA vaccines. There is scientific consensus that no vaccine in the world can completely prevent COVID-19 infection. Pfizer’s chief executive contracted COVID-19 a second time after getting his fourth mRNA vaccine booster shot. Can we conclude that Pfizer’s vaccine is ineffective because of this? Obviously not. Myth 5: China’s COVID-19 situation is a drag on economic growth? China’s announcement to adjust its COVID-19 prevention measures and facilitate international personnel exchanges has been widely welcomed. Many foreign chambers of commerce in China, including the American Chamber of Commerce in China, the British Chamber of Commerce and the German Chamber of Commerce, as well as some foreign diplomatic institutions in China said the move will help restore personnel exchanges and business travel between China and foreign countries, restore confidence in investment and business, and restore market optimism. China will continue to be a priority destination for foreign investment. Several international agencies have raised their forecasts for China’s economic growth in 2023, predicting that China will achieve a growth rate of over 5 per cent, much higher than that of the world as a whole and other major economies. It is believed that as the global COVID-19 situation stabilises and the high-quality development measures set by the 20th Communist Party National Congress are put in place, the Chinese economy will enjoy faster growth and make a greater contribution to world economic growth. We are aware that the Australian government has decided to implement some requirements on inbound travellers from China starting from Thursday. China believes that the prevention and control measures adopted by one country should be scientific and proportionate, not target certain other countries, and should not affect normal personnel exchanges and cooperation. We hope that the Australian side will listen to the voice of the people, view China’s COVID-19 situation and prevention and control measures objectively, do more to promote China-Australia relations and provide better conditions and atmosphere for exchanges and cooperation in various fields.